Sunday, May 21, 2017

Evidence of frame ups

Evidence of frame ups

The so called 'mobile phone' which I purchased new from a Countdown supermarket. It is not a phone at all. After having my non android phone, which is a real phone, cut off, disconnected, by these corrupt cops. I made a complaint and I got it reconnected. I got a call, on my landline,  asking me to withdraw the complaint. I may make another complaint instead. Plenty of serious things to complain about.
This new, not a phone, andoid is 'rigged'. It was full of strange things. Police commissioner picture, gang things, leather jacket pictures, weird. These weird things were on the phone, thats not a phone, before I purchased it. I deleted as much of this rubbish as i could. As if its ok to rape, slavery, torture and traffick innocent people who are totally unwilling, who say 'no' over again. Frame ups by corrupt cops.
You cannot ring out or receive calls on this, phone thats not a phone. Spark phone company didnt even charge me for its ongoing use of it. Because its not a phone. Such is an example of the lies, slander and harrasment Im puting up with here in Christchurch. This phone thats not a phone ,' rigged' by corrupt cops is 'evidence' of these crimes. Ive had a look on Trade me for a 'real' android phone. Rape victims are called willing prostitutes by these corrupt cops. They may also be trafficking kids overseas. Get a job in a government department, cover up your crimes, just dehumanize your victims.
Anyway I have this 'rigged' phone, corrupt cops attempt to frame me up, as 'evidence' of their crimes. A small sample of what they have done and still do. Their pawns also lie and slander on their behalf. The most unwilling rape victim ever. Ive been qualified as a journalist since the 1990s. These corrupt cops say I dont qualify for human rights. We dont recognise you as a human being. Thats 'hate crimes' for sure. They intercept my mail and it goes to Manakau Auckland. My present landline is invaded by these creeps. They may be impersonating me too. Its so easy to dodgy audio recordings. They change 'NO' into oh so willing to be raped and tortured and trafficked overseas for rape or organs. They seem to be doing the same to kids.
No means no. Regardless of their lies, frame ups and corruption. They will do anything to over up their crimes. Sinister, satanic and weird. Is how I describe what they have done and what they do. For years I just live alone with my cat. Finally managed to get my citizenship restored and at least have the right to welfare. Im still banned from working part time or volunteering. Part of their scams. I read and write a lot, like I always have. I have sent book manuscripts overseas. I blog lots too. These crooked cops call me a crazy, whore wanker. As if thats not hate crimes. We dont like your politics or your religion.
These corrupt police dehumanize innocent people and try a to trafficking them overseas. They are compulsive liars. Satanic, sinister creeps. These same creeps took over my former Fakebook and used it for porn scams. My son has a fake fakebook accohnt too. These cops run that. Disgusting, indescent and abuse of power. Christchurch cops like Mike Chron and Milton Weir. Other corruption in WINZ and the Christchurch health boards. Kidnaping, rape and torture. Similar in many ways to those who attack prisoners of war overseas.
They have been asked to stop doing these things. They get worse instead. They use their pawns to lie and harrass on their behalf. I get stalked by their pawns. Ridiculous. Common sense and obvious things are ignored. Facts, proof, evidence, truth and honesty they try and ban. They say this is just a conspiracy theory. We like our lies, opinions, presumes and corruption instead. Am I such a smart ass for saying No. For telling the truth and expecting some justice, human rights and decenccy.
I am alive, a human being. I used to be alive and a human being too. This phone thats rigged up and not a phone is more evidence of their crimes. Abuse of power. Weird.

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